Downloading Your Event Photos and GIFs

How to download or send your event photos to your client


Last Update 3 tahun yang lalu

Step 1 - Go to your specific event and on the dashboard overview you will see the "Downloads" section.

Step 2 - Click on the "Download Captured Files" button in blue.

Step 3 - Once you have clicked the "Download Captured Files" button a pop-up will appear. On this pop up you can click the "Request Zip File" button where you can then choose which files you wish to download.

All you have to do is tick the files you wish to download (or send to your client), and you can leave the dates as is if you would like all the images from the event downloaded (or sent).

If you do wish to download (or send) the images from a certain day or period only, then you can set the start and end date to suit your needs before clicking the "Request" button.

You can either enter an email address if you wish to email yourself (or your client) the zip file immediately or you can leave this blank and just request the files so you can download them directly. Once you have clicked "Request" then you will see the requests listed in the pop-up (see below). You can then directly download the files by clicking the "Download" button.

The status report shows the following information:

  1. The date and time the zip file was requested.
  2. The file type (for example Photos, Gifs, raw individual photos etc) along with the number of sessions and the file size.
  3. This shows a status of the zip file request.
  4. The specific dates relating to when the photos, Gifs, bursts and/or video sessions were captured.
  5. The date and time the link will expire. This is handy so you know if you send an email to the client with the zip file you will then be able to inform your           client when the link to the photos will expire. You can just request the files again once the link expires. 

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